Sunday 26 July 2009

the secret of miso soup

*picture* my favorite fork and spoon!

I told one of my friends back home that i just started a cooking blog.
She seemed to be surprised and asked me,

"is your blog gonna be all about fried rice and miso soup?"

well, I said no.

She knows that I love fried rice and miso soup.
And she thinks that all i cook and eat in melbourne is fried rice and miso soup.
well, that's not true, but it was a good guess.

When I first came to melbourne, I used to cook fried rice all the time.
And some lousy miso soup... i just boiled water and put miso paste inside.
next day, miso soup was spoilt.
It became so sourish.

I didn't know what happend and called my mom.
She said,
"You have to put soup stock to make miso soup because it's a soup!"

Anyway, since then, i leant how to make miso soup.

I love miso soup.
not the sourish ones, but the proper nice ones with proper soup stock inside.

My friend doesn't like miso soup and she refuses to drink it even though I tried to convince her to drink miso soup so many times.

Well, that's ok.

There are other soups which are healthy and tasty just like miso soup!
And now, i know how to make these different types of soups too!

I will never end up just uploading fried rice and miso soup recipes! hehe

Oh wait... now I realized that i've been drinking onion miso soup for the past few days...almost a week!!
Oh no, this is bad!!

I have to show my friend that i can cook something other than miso soup soon!
(And thank god, i haven't posted any fried rice recipes yet!)

Oh well, but for now, i will tell you how to make a good miso soup... haha

*Onion miso soup*


*onion 1/2
(if you wanna make miso soup with some other veggies, just do it. the rest of the ingredients will be always the same)

*miso 4-5 table spoons (I love marukome miso)
*Japanese soup stock 1 packet
*water (i usually fill up the water until 2/3 of the mideum size pot).


1. chop the onions into thin pieces. follow the lines on the surface of the onion.

2. boil the water with the soup stock inside. (strongest fire)

3. once the water is boiled, put the onion inside and cook till onions become soft and transparent.(medium fire)

4. stop the fire and put the miso into the soup. (put the miso on a ladle, immerse it few times while making miso blends into the soup by using a table spoon).

*Add more or less depends on the kinds of miso you use and also on your

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