Today's dinner
*seaweed and dried bonito rice/わかめと鰹節のご飯
*onion miso soup/たまねぎの味噌汁
*tuna curry pasta salad/ツナのカレーパスタサラダ
*pan-fried butterfish with sweet garlic sauce/バターフィッシュの甘辛ガーリック焼き

*butterfish - 2 large pieces (substitute with yellowtail or mackerel is also nice!)
*smashed ginger- 1 tea spoon
*smashed garlic- 2 table spoons
*smashed ginger- 1 tea spoon
*soya sauce- 4 table spoons
*Japanese cooking sake (alcohol for cooking)- 4 table spoons
*sugar- 1 tea spoon
1. Boil the fish in a pot with water and ginger -- wait until the fish is fairly cooked and fish smell is gone
2. Put all the ingredients for the sauce in a large bowl and stir well. put the cooked fish inside. leave it to marinate for a few minutes.
3. Using strong fire, heat up a frying pan with oil and when hot, place fish in the pan. -- leave the remaining sauce in the bowl till the fish turns a nice golden brown
4. Turn the fire to down medium, pour the remaining sauce in the pan, place a lid on it and cook till all the sauce is absorbed. -- flip the fish over few times so that the fish absorbs the sauce equally.
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