Monday, 28 January 2013

Happy 2013

It is a bit late to wish everyone a happy new year.. January is almost ending.
Well, but in Singapore, Chinese new year is coming up in few weeks time.
So it is not so late after all?  :)
It is exciting to be able to celebrate a new year twice!
I spent my Japanese new year in Japan with my family.
Even though I'm usually away from home,
I feel so greateful to be able to celebrate the begining of a new year back home
with my family and friends, the people I love the most.
Thanks lots and lots to my company, my boss and colleagues!
I was very fortunate to be able to back to Japan for 3 weeks this time.
I spent Chiristmas, New year and my birthday in Japan.
I couldn't meet my sister this time,
but I talked to her over the phone many times.
She sent us 2 huge yummy crabs for the new year!!!!


On my birthday, my mum gave me a notebook with a story of my life.
All the stories and memories since the time I was born.
Earlier stories of my life was something so special, yet something I don't remember.
There were messages from the people I care the most.
Some of them longer exist in this world.
But I hope they can still see me reading the messages from the other side of the world.
I love you and miss you a lot.
As everyone expected, I cried on my birthday again.

I always thought that my birthday was one very special day for me.
I used to think and think.. what should I do on my birthday?
I want to do this, I want to eat this, I want to wear this, I want this that this that...
My mind was occupied with full of "me! me!" thoughts,
untill my ex-colleague taught me something very important last year.
She said,
"I don't celebrate my birthday.
For me, it is a day to thank my parents for raising me and taking care of me."
I was so shocked and upset and greateful at the same time when I heard this from her.
I spent all those years only thinking about myself on my birthday.
How selfish is that!
I am so sorry.
And thank you for telling me something so important!
After some thoughts...
Well, my birthday is still one special day for me.
I still want to celebrate it.
But from this year, I also decided to make my birthday a day to thank all the people
who have been making my birthdays very special.
My precious parents, grandparents, great grand parents and above, 
my precious sister & brother, my dear friends, 
my very kind and patient boyfriend, my boyfriend's very warm family,
and all the people who had cared for me and whom I care the most.
 Thank you so much to every one of you 
and hope your 2013 will be a fantastic year with full of happiness and smiles!
:) :) :)
Lots and Lots of Love!!!